Cola Chen

Linkedin | GitHub | Email: [email protected]


  • Possessing 8 years of robust experience in software development and maintenance, with expertise spanning cloud infrastructure and on-premises management.
  • Proven proficiency in Kubernetes administration, automation, cloud-native technologies, and cutting-edge CI/CD practices.
  • Enthusiastic about agile development methodologies, an avid practitioner of scrum principles, and a dedicated team player.
  • Demonstrating a keen interest in continuously enhancing skills by embracing new technologies that enhance work efficiency, particularly within the open-source community.


  • Programming Languages: Bash, Python, Golang
  • Cloud: AWS, GCP, Azure, Tencent Cloud
  • Soft skills: Mentor, Pair work, Sharing, Team work



Senior DevOps Engineer, Alauda, Nanjing — 2020–2023.03

  • Providing mentoring for collaborative working partners to manage daily routines effectively.
  • Guiding colleagues in designing pipelines, as well as identifying and resolving incidents, while effectively troubleshooting various unique issues within the internal DevOps platform.
  • Successfully migrated our build platform from a public cloud to an on-premises environment, resulting in approximately 30% reduction in cloud costs.
  • Ensuring high availability of the platform, effectively managing daily build and deployment processes, and achieving a 12% reduction in pipeline failure rates.
  • Establishing and maintaining DevOps toolchains, including Harbor, Nexus, Gitlab, SonarQube and Jenkins, while also sharing CI/CD best practices with colleagues.
  • Led the transition of our CI engine from Jenkins to Tekton, wrote detailed documents in Confluence knowledge base.

Team leader of DevOps, Trantect, Nanjing — 2017–2020

  • Collaborated extensively with vendors to secure discounts, effectively reducing company expenditures by 25% in this project leveraging public cloud services.
  • Established an in-house VMware data center to provide robust support for daily development activities, efficiently managing more than 100 virtual servers using Terraform and Ansible.
  • Effectively managed a complex ecosystem of over 200 microservices within the CloudTrust SaaS platform, leveraging Kubernetes and Helm for orchestration and deployment.
  • Enhanced release frequency to a weekly cadence while simultaneously reducing building time by 10% through the implementation of automated CI/CD practices, guided by the “pipeline as code” philosophy. Utilized tools like Jenkins, GoCD, and Gitlab CI to achieve this efficiency.
  • Utilizing Prometheus and Grafana to establish comprehensive service monitoring, while leveraging the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for efficient error debugging and thorough analysis.

software develop, Trantect, Nanjing — 2015–2017

  • Collaborated closely with a senior developer to acquire proficiency in JavaScript and Python programming languages.
  • Adhered to the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) to successfully implement business logic.
  • Established an internal development-focused private cloud infrastructure, ensuring streamlined and efficient services for the team.
  • Engaged in knowledge-sharing with teammates, offering valuable insights and information to foster a collaborative learning environment.


SaaS ( )

This product functions as a public cloud service akin to an online service store. Our offerings encompass authentication, authorization, and payment services for third-party applications. Our products seamlessly integrate with comprehensive documentation available. My involvement has encompassed platform design and technology selection. I have taken charge of constructing workflows, managing cloud infrastructure, and ensuring product availability. We successfully launched the product in late 2019, achieving profitability in 2020.

PaaS (IDP aka Internal DevOps Platform)

It’s a k8s based internal development platform with many useful integrated DevOps tool chains such as: GitLab, Jenkins, Tekton, SonarQube, TestLink, Harbor, Nexus, ArgoCD etc. All of our CI/CD pipelines run on it. My job is to ensure these toolchains working as expected, resolve incidents that occur on the platform, and troubleshoot pipeline errors encountered by my teammates. Using cloud services is convenient and enjoyable, but they come with a high price tag. The CTO made a decision that migrate the platform to local.I spent almost 1 year to finish the task pairing with my partner. I wrote detailed docs about the migration and solutions of the problem we met during the migration. I have also developed a technical solution for building multi-architecture container images. According to my experience and the Gartner’s white paper Innovation Insight for Internal Developer Portals, IDP would be a kind of best practice of DevOps recently. Spotify has already open source their implement backstage.

GitOps (Everything-as-code)

It’s a best practice in configuration and service management. In Kubernetes resources are declarative defined api which is good for reproducible deployments. It’s a bit like the unix philosophy that everything is a file in the operating system. I launched GitOps with ArgoCD in the company. I encapsulate the PaaS resources and SaaS configurations by yaml files using “pull” mode to reconcile the state of each environment. Every change will be rolled backup if not commit to the repo. These save me a lot of time in managing many environments.


  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology
  • WenZheng College of Soochow University - September 2011 to June 2015


  • English: TOEIC L&R: 795 && CEFR-C1
  • Mandarin: Native
  • Japanese: N4